About us and Eneby gård
Eneby Gård is an ancient Priest’s farm. Our main building – where we live – is from 1762 with an entry gate house from 1733. The workers cottage, where the rental apartments are located is from 1939. This building housed the farm workers that occupied themself with the fields, gardens and annimals.
Our names are Emma and Markus Rosenbaum. We are a very international couple and met one summer in Chamonix France. Markus is German and lived 18 years in Australia. He spend the last 12 years in Chamonix France. Markus owned several Restaurants in Australia. He is a creative qualified chef with enormous experience and multiple talents.
His experience in renovating properties, he acquired over the years, led him into running his professional renovation business in France. This know how enabled us to buy and plan the improvements for Eneby Gård!
Emma works with interior home ware now and has a very long work history in the fashion industry and marketing.
We live permanent with our dog, cats and chickens at Eneby Gård. Everyone who ever visited Eneby expressed the wish to come soon and visit again. Markus does not like to leave the farm and can be met all year wearing his work clothes.
Our chicken are Gotländska country chicken, a race that is pure and traces back to the Vikings already. They run around free all year and give us plenty of ecological powder pink eggs.
If you live here in the country side on a large farm you have to have cats. They are lovely little beasts which keep all rodents under control. Their names are Kajsa and Nikita and they work hard to keep our property perfectly clean!
Although they are halve sisters, they don’t necessarily love each other and one hears and sees them occasionally fighting and chasing each other.
We hope to have the opportunity to welcome you one day to the beautiful Sörmlands nature. We don’t think there are any language problems, as we talk fluently German, English, French and Swedish.
Welcome to our own little paradise,
Emma & Markus